Living With Gratitude
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Introduction to Gratitude
1. What Gratitude Is and Is Not
Lesson 1: Part 1: A Perennial Wisdom
2. Gratitude of the Heart
Lesson 1: Part 1: The Four Chambered Heart
Lesson 3: Part 3: Health & Relationships
Lesson 4: Part 4: Practices For Love & Happiness
3. In Service to Others
Lesson 3: Part 3: What Is Your “Calling”?
4. Forgiveness & Atonement
Lesson 1: Part 1: Gratitude, Mercy & Forgiveness
Lesson 2: Part 2: The Fourfold Path To Forgiveness
Lesson 3: Part 3: Practices For Redemption
Lesson 4: Part 4: Atonement, Honor & Integration
5. Cultivating Society & Protecting The Earth
Lesson 1: Part 1: Our Connection With Nature
Lesson 2: Part 2: Natural Qualities of Survival
Lesson 4: Part 4: Invitations For Integration
6. Mindfulness Practice & Gratitude
Sean Fargo is the Founder of Mindfulness Exercises and lead teacher for this Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program.